100 FREE Absentee Owner Leads:
100 free leads from a nationwide database of millions of Absentee Owners in all 50 states. (Just enter your search region and instantly get a list of Absentee Owners with full property details)!
FREE BONUS: Motivated Seller Scripts
Word-for-word scripts that tell you how to position yourself, how to make an offer, and how to reply when sellers say "yes"… "no"… or "maybe."
FREE BONUS: Motivated Seller Cheat Sheet
The 17 questions to ask every seller to quickly determine how motivated they are. (Plus... the “magic” question that gets them to reveal their lowest price)!
FREE BONUS: "How To Talk to Sellers" Training
A step-by-step video training that shows you how to use the Cheat Sheet and Scripts. (Plus… Jerry Norton’s “insider” tricks that he’s learned after talking to thousands of sellers)!